
CPP List


Case Study





  • 2012-C++ Primer, Fifth Edition》📚: C++ Primer, Fifth Edition, introduces the C++ standard library from the outset, drawing on its common functions and facilities to help you write useful programs without first having to master every language detail. The book’s many examples have been revised to use the new language features and demonstrate how to make the best use of them. This book is a proven tutorial for those new to C++, an authoritative discussion of core C++ concepts and techniques, and a valuable resource for experienced programmers, especially those eager to see C++11 enhancements illuminated.

    • Cpp Primer 学习: 《C++ Primer 中文版(第 5 版)》学习仓库,包括笔记和课后练习答案。
  • 2013-C++ 并发编程指南》📚: 本书《C++ 并发编程指南》是个人在空余时间写的,由于时间仓促,加上自身水平有限,不可能写的很完善,也难免出现错误,如果你发现本书中的错误,或者有更好的想法,欢迎给我反馈,我会第一时间给予答复。后续我会坚持完善这一系列的文章。也希望感兴趣的同学和我一起完成。

  • 2019-Modern C++ Tutorial: C++11/14/17/20 On the Fly》📚: The book claims “On the Fly”. Its intent is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the relevant features regarding modern C++ (before 2020s).

  • 2020-CPlusPlusThings》📚: 这是一个适合初学者从入门到进阶的仓库,解决了面试者与学习者想要深入 C++ 及如何入坑 C++ 的问题。除此之外,本仓库拓展了更加深入的源码分析,多线程并发等的知识,是一个比较全面的 C++ 学习从入门到进阶提升的仓库。

  • 2020-EffectiveModernCppChinese 📚 : 《Effective Modern C++ 》翻译

  • 2021-perf book : This is a repository with source files of the book “Performance Analysis and Tuning on Modern CPU” by Denis Bakhvalov, et al.

  • 2022-A Tour of C++ (Third edition)》📚: The ``tour’’ is a quick (254 pages + index, historical information, etc.) tutorial overview of all of standard C++ (language and standard library) at a moderately high level for people who already know C++ or at least are experienced programmers. It covers C++20 plus a few likely features of C++23.

