
Indicator Widgets List

Label | 标签

  • ellipsed : A JavaScript library for multilined ellipsis

List | 列表

Virtualized List | 虚拟列表

  • react-virtualized : React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data.

  • react-virtual-list : Super simple virtualized list React component.

  • react-window : React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data.

Table | 表格

DataGrid | 数据表格

Tree | 树形控件

File | 文件夹与文件

Clock | 时钟与计数器

Calendar | 日历

  • 2018-TOAST UI Calendar: It is a full-featured calendar. Experience various view types, default popups, dragging or resizing schedules and customizable theme which is easy to use.

Tag | 标签

Badge | 徽标数

Divider | 分割线

Code | 代码高亮显示
