- Binary Trees:AA Tree, AVL Tree, Binary Search Tree, Binary Tree, Cartesian Tree,left child/right sibling tree, order statistic tree, Pagoda
* ,
* , ...
* B Trees:
* B Tree, B+ Tree, B* Tree, B Sharp Tree, Dancing Tree, 2-3 Tree, ...
* Heaps:
* Heap, Binary Heap, Weak Heap, Binomial Heap, Fibonacci Heap, Leonardo
* Heap, 2-3 Heap, Soft Heap, Pairing Heap, Leftist Heap, Treap, ...
* Trees:
* Trie, Radix Tree, Suffix Tree, Suffix Array, FM-index, B-trie, ...
* Multi-way Trees:
* Ternary Tree, K-ary tree, And-or tree, (a,b)-tree, Link/Cut Tree, ...
* Space Partitioning Trees:
* Segment Tree, Interval Tree, Range Tree, Bin, Kd Tree, Quadtree,
* Octree, Z-Order, UB-Tree, R-Tree, X-Tree, Metric Tree, Cover Tree, ...
* Application-Specific Trees:
* Abstract Syntax Tree, Parse Tree, Decision Tree, Minimax Tree, ...
* The remaining two data structures we are going to cover are both in the
* "tree" family.
* Much like real life, there are many different types of tree data structures.
* Little did you know you'd be studying dendrology today... and thats not even
* all of them. But don't let any of this scare you, most of those don't matter
* at all. There were just a lot of Computer Science PhDs who had something to
* prove.
* Trees are much like graphs or linked lists except they are "unidirectional".
* All this means is that they can't have loops of references.
* Tree: Not a Tree:
* A A
* ↙ ↘ ↗ ↘
* B C B ←–––– C
* If you can draw a loop between connected nodes in a tree... well, you don't
* have a tree.
* Trees have many different uses, they can used to optimize searching or
* sorting. They can organize programs better. They can give you a
* representation that is easier to work with.
一个节点数>5 的树,至少删去 1 个结点才可以使该树不连通。