DataScienceAI Python
- 11 IPython Tutorial for Data Science and Machine Learning: This is a collection of 10 great GitHub repositories focusing on IPython, TensorFlow, Theano and related topics, for data scientists. The last one is not on GitHub.
Effectively Using Matplotlib: This post will show how I use matplotlib and provide some recommendations for users getting started or users who have not taken the time to learn matplotlib.
The Architecture of Open Source Applications - Matplotlib 章节
BroadCasting: 2015-Broadcasting arrays in Numpy、Broadcasting Docs
2017-Working With Numpy Matrices: A Handy First Links: This introductory tutorial does a great job of outlining the most common Numpy array creation and manipulation functionality. A good post to keep handy while taking your first steps in Numpy, or to use as a handy reminder.
Gensim Tutorial: The tutorials are organized as a series of examples that highlight various features of gensim. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the Python language, has installed gensim and read the introduction.
fastText : Library for fast text representation and classification.
NLP concepts with spaCy: The aim of this notebook is to introduce a few simple concepts and techniques from NLP.
How to rewrite your SQL queries in Pandas, and more: You may end up with CSV files, plain text, Parquet, HDF5, and who knows what else. This is where Pandas library shines.