function shuffle(input: any[]): void {
// Mutate array randomly changing its' elements indexes.
function callNTimes<Fn extends (...arguments_: any[]) => any>(
func: Fn,
callCount: number
) {
// Type that represents the type of the received function parameters.
type FunctionParameters = Parameters<Fn>;
return function (...arguments_: FunctionParameters) {
for (let i = 0; i < callCount; i++) {
const shuffleTwice = callNTimes(shuffle, 2);
class ArticleModel {
title: string;
content?: string;
constructor(title: string) {
this.title = title;
class InstanceCache<T extends new (...arguments_: any[]) => any> {
private ClassConstructor: T;
private cache: Map<string, InstanceType<T>> = new Map();
constructor(ctr: T) {
this.ClassConstructor = ctr;
getInstance(...arguments_: ConstructorParameters<T>): InstanceType<T> {
const hash = this.calculateArgumentsHash(...arguments_);
const existingInstance = this.cache.get(hash);
if (existingInstance !== undefined) {
return existingInstance;
return new this.ClassConstructor(...arguments_);
private calculateArgumentsHash(...arguments_: any[]): string {
// Calculate hash.
return "hash";
const articleCache = new InstanceCache(ArticleModel);
const amazonArticle = articleCache.getInstance("Amazon forests burining!");