enum 是 enumerations 的缩写。它们看起来与结构相似,但有所不同。区别在于:
- 当您想要一件事和另一件事时,请使用 struct。
- 当您需要一件事或另一件事时,请使用一个 enum。
因此,结构适用于许多事物,而枚举适用于许多选择。要声明一个枚举,请编写枚举并使用带有选项的代码块(以逗号分隔)。就像结构一样,最后一部分可以有逗号,也可以没有逗号。我们将创建一个名为 ThingsInTheSky 的枚举:
enum ThingsInTheSky {
fn main() { }
这是一个枚举,因为您可以看到太阳或星星:您必须选择一个,这些称为 variants。
// create the enum with two choices
enum ThingsInTheSky {
// With this function we can use an i32 to create ThingsInTheSky.
fn create_skystate(time: i32) -> ThingsInTheSky {
match time {
6..=18 => ThingsInTheSky::Sun, // Between 6 and 18 hours we can see the sun
_ => ThingsInTheSky::Stars, // Otherwise, we can see stars
// With this function we can match against the two choices in ThingsInTheSky.
fn check_skystate(state: &ThingsInTheSky) {
match state {
ThingsInTheSky::Sun => println!("I can see the sun!"),
ThingsInTheSky::Stars => println!("I can see the stars!")
fn main() {
let time = 8; // it's 8 o'clock
let skystate = create_skystate(time); // create_skystate returns a ThingsInTheSky
check_skystate(&skystate); // Give it a reference so it can read the variable skystate
枚举的一部分也可以转换为整数。Rust 为枚举的每个分支赋予一个以 0 开头的数字。如果枚举中没有任何其他数据,则可以使用该数字。
enum Season {
Spring, // If this was Spring(String) or something it wouldn't work
fn main() {
use Season::*;
let four_seasons = vec![Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter];
for season in four_seasons {
println!("{}", season as u32);
您可以根据需要给它一个不同的数字,可以以相同的方式使用它。只需在要添加数字的手臂上添加=和您的数字即可。您不必全力以赴。但是,如果您不这样做,Rust 只会从手臂添加 1 来给它一个数字。
enum Star {
BrownDwarf = 10,
RedDwarf = 50,
YellowStar = 100,
RedGiant = 1000,
fn main() {
use Star::*;
let starvec = vec![BrownDwarf, RedDwarf, YellowStar, RedGiant];
for star in starvec {
match star as u32 {
size if size <= 80 => println!("Not the biggest star."),
size if size >= 80 => println!("This is a good-sized star."),
_ => println!("That star is pretty big!"),
println!("What about DeadStar? It's the number {}.", DeadStar as u32);
Not the biggest star.
Not the biggest star.
This is a good-sized star.
This is a good-sized star.
What about DeadStar? It's the number 1001.
enum ThingsInTheSky {
Sun(String), // Now each variant has a string
fn create_skystate(time: i32) -> ThingsInTheSky {
match time {
6..=18 => ThingsInTheSky::Sun(String::from("I can see the sun!")), // Write the strings here
_ => ThingsInTheSky::Stars(String::from("I can see the stars!")),
fn check_skystate(state: &ThingsInTheSky) {
match state {
ThingsInTheSky::Sun(description) => println!("{}", description), // Give the string the name description so we can use it
ThingsInTheSky::Stars(n) => println!("{}", n), // Or you can name it n. Or anything else - it doesn't matter
fn main() {
let time = 8; // it's 8 o'clock
let skystate = create_skystate(time); // create_skystate returns a ThingsInTheSky
check_skystate(&skystate); // Give it a reference so it can read the variable skystate
您知道,Vec,数组等中的数据结构都需要相同的类型(只有元组不同)。但是您实际上可以使用一个枚举来放入不同的类型。想象一下,我们想要一个带有 u32 或 i32 的 Vec。当然,您可以制作一个 Vec<(u32, i32)>
(一个带有(u32,i32)元组的 vec),但是我们只想要一个。因此,您可以在此处使用枚举。这是一个简单的示例:
enum Number {
fn main() { }
因此,有两种变体:内置 u32 的 U32 变体和内置 i32 的 I32 变体。U32 和 I32 只是我们做的名字。他们可能是 UThirtyTwo 或 IThirtyTwo 或其他任何东西。现在,如果将它们放入 Vec 中,我们只有一个 Vec<Number>
,并且编译器很高兴。因为它是一个枚举,所以您必须选择一个。我们将使用 .is_positive()
方法进行选择。如果为 true,则选择 U32;如果为 false,则选择 I32。
enum Number {
impl Number {
fn new(number: i32) -> Number { // input number is i32
match number.is_positive() {
true => Number::U32(number as u32), // change it to u32 if it's positive
false => Number::I32(number), // otherwise just give the number because it's already i32
fn main() {
let my_vec = vec![Number::new(-800), Number::new(8)];
for item in my_vec {
match item {
Number::U32(number) => println!("It's a u32 with the value {}", number),
Number::I32(number) => println!("It's a i32 with the value {}", number),
It's a i32 with the value -800
It's a u32 with the value 8
基于多类型值的特性,我们有时候也可以在 Enum 中使用出类似泛型的功效:
enum Choice {
fn main() {
// this is so we don't need to put "Choice::" before everything
// this is similar to how Option works, only difference is that
// with Option, this is automatically done.
use self::Choice::*;
let foo: Choice = Foo("Hello World".to_string());
let bar: Choice = Bar(10);
let a: Choice;
// magic random bool that you can change as much as you want
let random_bool = false;
if random_bool {
a = foo; // Here `a` will store a String, which is inside Choice
} else {
a = bar; // Here `a` will store an i32, which is inside Choice
// here we don't know if `a` stores a String or an i32 until we check
// here we check if we had a Foo variant or a Bar variant
// in doing so, we figure out if we stored a String or an i32
match a {
Foo(s) => println!("We had the String: {}", s),
Bar(i) => println!("We had the i32: {}", i)