
PWA Links: Curated links for mastering PWA

This file aggregates popular links for learning how to implement Progressive Web Apps. More reference about ITCS can turn to AwesomeList: Guide to Galaxy, which collects valuable, popular and up-to-date links for CS, including Programming Language, Software Engineering, Server Side Application, Infrastructure, InfoSecurity, Industrial Application, DataScienceAI, Frontend Technology(iOS, Android, RN, Electron), etc.


Case Study


Installable Web App

Service Worker

Web Push

  • Chrome Platform Status - Web Notifications : Implementation status for Chrome and other browsers.

  • PWA Dev Summit 2016 codelab - Push Notifications : Up-to-date getting started tutorial for Progressive Web App, Push Notifications and service worker basics.

  • Using the Push API : An article introducing Push API.

  • web-push-libs : A collection of useful libraries for web push in different technologies (Node.js, PHP, Python, etc.)

  • 2018-Web 推送通知: 本系列文章是翻译自谷歌开发者网站,我们的主要目的,是让对 Web 推送服务有兴趣的开发者,能够通过阅读本系列的文章而初步掌握 Web 推送的一些基本原理和实现方式,从而在实际工作中可以应用起来。
